
About Me
My Name is Natasha Pinsent, I have been training and rescuing dogs for most of my life.
It's through this passion I have been able to experience first hand the benefits of creating a partnership with a dog and its life long rewards.
I have personally struggled with depression, PTSD and social anxiety, so the opportunity to pair my love of dog training and helping others, is a dream come true!
What People are Saying

Karen Verbiski and Frost
At 90 pounds, our dog was hard to manage on a leash and I was suffering from shoulder pain as a result of walking her. Stealing food was another issue, our dog lacked any respect for us and refused to follow commands. I was amazed at the behavioral changes I witnessed in Frost after only minutes of working with Natasha. She was like a completely different dog! Natasha's love for animals was very evident in her training. She is calm, yet confident. I am so grateful for the training Natasha gave to our dog, and to us. Frost can now be more involved with our family and I now enjoy walking my dog... with no more shoulder pain!

Dora Boukouris, Amira and Scrabble
I hired Natasha to help me manage one of my dogs , Scrabble, who became reactive to both dogs and people. I love him so much, I wanted him to enjoy people coming to visit. Scrabble loved Natasha immediately. She is calm, patient, knows how to read dogs and non verbally communicate with them. It was amazing to watch.
She helped us tremendously! I can now read his body language better and as a result have much less stressful interactions with humans and dogs.

Katie Wedgeworth, CPDT-KA
Owner of Katie's Canine Connection
Tash has been so wonderful! I have worked by her side training dogs. She is an amazing handler and even better trainer! She understands how to communicate with each dog individually and make a personal training plan. Tash is also great with pet parents! Her skills to communicate with pet parents to help them understand their own dogs, is remarkable. I love watching her help people and their pups!